Extrapolations of the Su Wen Chapter 2 On conforming with the Energy of the Seasons

Extrapolations of the Su Wen Chapter 2 On conforming with the Energy of the Seasons
by Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. According to traditional Chinese dietary practice, foods should help to balance the body, therefore, the daily diet in summer should contain more vegetables and fruits to stimulate the appetite and replenish Yin fluids, thereby keeping the body cooler. In the summertime, Qi and Blood move more vigorously than at other […]
✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. As a microcosm of the rhythms and fluctuations of the seasons and their elemental factors to which we are inextricably linked, Chinese medicine would consider the result of our health in one season as being a marker of our lifestyle preparations in the previous seasons as well as in the present. […]
Until the Song dynasty [960-1279 AD] the Chinese name for Ginkgo was ‘duck foot’ 鴨腳, referring to the shape of its leaves. The kernel was called ‘duck foot seed’ 鴨腳子, which was changed to ‘Silver Apricot’ 銀杏 for the purpose of its presentation to the Imperial ruler. It was determined that ‘Silver’ was auspicious and […]
The way of great learning lies in illuminating bright virtue; Holding people dear and stopping only at utmost goodness. To illuminate brightest virtue under Heaven, ancients governed their states first. To govern their states, they first put their families in order. To put their families in order, they first cultivated their body. To cultivate their […]
A few thoughts ✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. The human world aspires to feel no pain on its illusory quest for security and gratification; starkly contrasting the experience of anyone living in states of pain and suffering. In the midst of day-to-day objectives, the plight of sentient beings trapped in states of suffering often completely escapes […]
✍️Wendy Brown 真 When the sage embraces the divine sovereign heart her voice can move and transform the world • One who lacks purity and sincerity cannot move others • When a person merges with this truth in essence, the shen-spirit may move amongst the external world with highest degree of sincerity • One who […]
✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Shuǐ 水 We are microcosms of the natural world, unfolding our human destiny on a beautiful blue planet where a mosaic of water nourishes and patterns life. Attuned to nature’s rhythms and vibrations, in essence, we are one and the same. Though this world seems stable and solid, nothing here is permanent; but like water, snow, […]
✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. ACUPUNCTURE DETOX Approach to Breaking Chemical Addiction Abstinence-Oriented Chemical-Free No-Nonsense Treatment begins with the patient lying down, as during a regular acupuncture session. Alternately, a group gathers, where individuals are seated in chairs to undergo acu-detox treatment in the presence of one another. Groups are offered at a significantly reduced […]