

✍️Wendy Brown

When the sage embraces

the divine sovereign heart

her voice can move

and transform the world

One who lacks purity and

sincerity cannot move others

When a person merges

with this truth in essence,

the shen-spirit may move

amongst the external world

with highest degree of sincerity

One who forces himself to

lament, though may sound

sad, will awaken no grief 

One who forces himself to

be angry, though may sound

fierce, will arouse no awe


She who forces herself to

be affectionate, though may smile,

will create no air of harmony

True sadness need make

no sound to awaken grief

True anger need not

show itself to arouse awe

True affection need not

smile to create harmony

Truth and sincerity are

to be prized as a doctor

of Chinese medicine 


People come from far

and wide for help

True healing is derived

from principles of

sincerity, truth, and purity

This intrinsic disposition

is what makes it so that

a patient listens to, and

hears, the practitioner

Humans loathe death

and delight in life.

A doctor of Chinese medicine

informs what in a patient’s

life can destroy them;

Tells them what can

be good for them;

Advises what is convenient

for their condition;

Exposes what brings them suffering

Even if they are the kind

of person who does not

follow The Way (Tao),

being without principles,

or does not follow the

patterns of the natural

order of life, how would

they not listen to the

doctor who is sincere

and pure in this medicine? 

Lingshu Chapter 29

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