Incense and Rooting the Spirit


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. The sense orifice of smell can have strong effects on the aspect of Spirit known in Chinese medicine as Shen. Burning clean, resinous incense can open the Heart-Spirit, and in part, enhances our remembering of what is important. Incense prepared with quality medicinal substances has the ability, as thought in shamanic […]

The Arts of Internal Cultivation


✍️Wᴇɴᴅʏ Bʀᴏᴡɴ, Lic. Ac. MIRCOCOSMIC ORBIT   SIX HEALING SOUNDS To understand the Tao, people of antiquity lived lives in accordance with the interplay of yin and yang. Eating and acting moderately, they refrained from dissipating strength through unseemly behavior, and thus, conserved Jing essence and lived out their years. This same timeless path unfolds […]

Chinese Medicine: Science In Its Own Right


By Dr. Manfred Porkert Scientific discoveries and inventions should eventually benefit all mankind. However, even in our age, historical conditions may for a long time inhibit or delay the diffusion of even the most mature and incontrovertible findings of an exact science. Chinese medicine or, to use the more precise term, “traditional Chinese medicine”, is […]

Medicinal Chrysanthemum Flower 菊花


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Spoken of medicinally in The Canon of Materia Medica 神農本草經 by the physician of mythical stature, Shen Nong who is said to have lived in about 2,800 B.C., proclaimed that Ju Hua improved senses of vision and hearing, alertness, clarity of thinking, promoted an energetic body, and increased longevity by slowing […]

Chinese Congee Cooking Tutorial


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Congee, also known as Jook, is a long-cooked rice porridge that conveys notable nutritive effects to the Spleen and Stomach Qi which are the roots of postnatal Qi, acquired from what is digested, and known in Chinese medicine as Gu Qi. Congee is a simple food that preserves the prosperity of […]



✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Contentment is important basis for physical and mental well-being. Worrying about a problem before it has manifested, or after it has, clinging to what has already passed, will drain the chance to live in peace and joy, harmoniously in the present. Instead, adopt a detached attitude toward comings and goings; checking […]

Modern-Day Hermits


His unheated hut is halfway up a mountain with no electricity, and his diet consists mostly of cabbage. But Master Hou says he has found a recipe for joy. “There is no happier way for a person to live on this earth,” he declared, balancing on a hard wooden stool outside his primitive mud brick […]

Food Therapy to Nourish Health


Roots of Chinese medicine are based in “Nourishing Life” or Yangsheng 養生 ✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold 千金翼方, compiled by Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty, is a comprehensive medical classic which summarized studies and records on medical treatment and had great influence on the development of oriental medicine […]

Presence of Balancing Imbalance


Heaven follows the momentum of the Tao; Earth follows the laws of Heaven; Human beings follow the laws of Earth.  In this ordering of Universal energy, we are both followers of and co-creators in the flow. With our life-force we create momentum and thus destiny. Through our Jing, Qi, and Shen we bring the presence […]

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