Auricular acupuncture is clinically proven to be the most effective natural method of chemical detoxification. Chemical addictions are insidious, and acupuncture can reduce cravings and lessen associated withdrawal symptoms that plague people in the process of quitting, and which so often sabotage success. It must be established, however, that acupuncture is not a magical cure. Although it does effectively mute and redirect the buildup of craving energy and bestows resilience to the human vessel, acupuncture treatment for cessation of addiction does not turn cravings off per se. A commitment from the patient to move forward with treatment and the healing process can only be made on a personal level by the patient. The physical and psycho-emotional health of an individual develops as it overcomes and transforms the shackles of chemical addictions, and acupuncture helps significantly.
The Treatment: 5 auricular(ear) acupuncture points have proven highly effective for breaking addiction. Investigations into the efficacy of acu-detox have repeatedly demonstrated that acupuncture stimulates endorphin release, the body’s ‘feel-good’ hormones. At the same time, specifically, the principles of Chinese medicine show that acupuncture needling heals by stimulating a person’s inherent Qi. Harmonious Qi flow circulates and adjusts within the body, creating equilibrium that preserves and strengthens organ function and grants the organism structurally and emotionally flexibility. Adjusting Qi to release calming, pain-inhibiting endorphins amounts to a most successful natural method of successfully getting a handle on addiction to move beyond destructive habits toward freedom and health.Chemically addicting agents enter the Heart orifice, altering and injuring Shen (spirit that resides in the Heart), thus causing obfuscation of the Heart sovereign’s sensing and processing of thought. Addictions exhaust blood and shorten lifespan. In Chinese medicine, tobacco, specifically, is categorized as having a pungent taste and a hot, toxic nature. Tobacco use depletes Jing (essence of the kidney), which lends explanation to the particular toxicity of tobacco during pregnancy. According to Chinese medicine, tobacco pathologically dries vital fluids and Jing-Essence, on top of the focal harmful effects on the lungs, which is why it is considered to be largely, if not likely entirely, without medicinal benefit.
Tobacco was introduced in China in 1575. The last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chong Zhen (1611 –1644), enacted laws against smoking and by the Qing Dynasty it became known medically that tobacco scorches Kidney Jing and the vital fluids with its pungent and drying nature, damaging the lungs, throat, and stomach, as well. Tobacco was noted to lessen the perception of food and drink tastes, and to make the tongue coating dark yellow, or eventually black, indicating heat toxicity critically building up in the body. I offer to assist patients break their substance addiction, and most commonly for nicotine cessation.
Note from Wendy: Having gained hands-on knowledge from fieldwork and training in New York City and Boston area facilities that successfully apply the 5-point auricular method; Having participated in treating heavily drug and alcohol-addicted populations by applying the 5-point ear detox acupuncture method, and witnessing the noteworthy results it yields in the three decades that I have offered this method to patients; I invite you to please share this post with anyone interested in quitting their chemical addiction.
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