✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. ACUPUNCTURE DETOX Approach to Breaking Chemical Addiction Abstinence-Oriented Chemical-Free No-Nonsense Treatment begins with the patient lying down, as during a regular acupuncture session. Alternately, a group gathers, where individuals are seated in chairs to undergo acu-detox treatment in the presence of one another. Groups are offered at a significantly reduced […]
Acupuncture Detox for Chemical Addiction Cessation
✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Auricular acupuncture is clinically proven to be the most effective natural method of chemical detoxification. Chemical addictions are insidious, and acupuncture can reduce cravings and lessen associated withdrawal symptoms that plague people in the process of quitting, and which so often sabotage success. It must be established, however, that acupuncture is […]