Tang or Decoction of Chinese Herbs


A decocted Tang, literally “soup”, is by far the most common form of Chinese herbal medicine administration in China. Decoctions are solutions and suspensions that are readily absorbed, thus expediting their therapeutic effects. They are prime in this way in the treatment of acute disorders. Decoctions, being liquid in form, are easily ingested and digested […]

Alchemy of Chinese Herbs


Herbs and roots are life-nourishing. They are sustenance as well as medicine, and convey nature’s forces.  Through their connection to the natural world, herbs and roots of Chinese medicine imbue their resonance with these forces within us. Regulated by the rhythms of Yin and Yang, influenced by the 5 elements (sun, soil, minerals, water, and […]

Red Jujube Dates 红枣


By Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Chinese red jujube dates, or hongzao 红枣, have long been proclaimed a superfood. Date kernel fossils discovered by Chinese archeologists imply that red dates have been in China for more than 8,000 years, and have been used medicinally for more than 3,000 years. In autumn, jujubes are fresh, crisp, and […]

Surgical Casebook


Pioneering doctor  Hanaoka Seishū 華岡 青洲, of the Edo period, combined his knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine with Western surgical techniques he had learned, and became the first to perform surgeries with anesthetic. He was the first to formulate and use general anesthesia to remove tumors from cancer patients. His proceedure came 50 years before […]



Increasingly, children are growing up here in the West with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine as a routine part of promoting health and treating the onslaught of childhood health complaints. Children, like adults, suffer from imbalances of QI which are vital to get to the root of. However, our young friends are not mini-adults; their […]



Nurturing core elemental tendencies while simultaneously balancing states of excess through a combination of diet, Chinese herbs and acupuncture and other mind-body techniques, we maintain innate elemental tendencies; transforming what may be hindrances into assets. FIRE TYPES ☯ Are jovial pleasure-seekers. They like to relax, socialize and have fun. They often seek thrills and excitement, […]

Yun Zhi Mushroom


Yun Zhi 雲芝, known also as Cloud Mushroom, Coriolus, and Turkey Tail exhibits a marked immune enhancing scope of activity, including antiviral and antibacterial effects, and has been used for centuries in traditional oriental medicine. Modern clinical research in Japan and China focus on water extractions of Coriolus to stimulate and strengthen immune health, particularly […]

Safe, Effective Treatment with Chinese Herbs


Chinese herbal medicine, a vital aspect of Chinese medicine, relies upon collecting detailed information from a patient by means of questioning, visual examination, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and some bodily palpation to derive a specified diagnosis that is unique to each patient’s expression of what may seem by the primary symptoms surrounding the illness to […]

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