Welcome Spring!


✍️ Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. In Chinese medicine we are taught from the perspective of cosmological wholeness. People are understood as integral aspects of nature, the embodiment of the same life force and flow as everything else in the natural order of the universe. From this holistic perspective, the wisdom of Chinese medicine advises that […]

The 250 Year Old Man


When Lǐ Qīngyún 李清雲 was 105 years old, he traveled to Pingliang County in Gansu province of Tibet to collect herbs. In the Kunlung mountains Li met a hermit who was much older than he. Li asked the elder for the secret of long life, and the old hermit laughed, saying, “Why are you asking […]

Moderate Daily Exercise


Rest and exercise should compliment one another. Rest with little physical exertion tends to be harmful to the body; long-term sitting being harmful to the muscles, and lying down for extended periods harms the Qi. It can be concluded that even with good diet and rest, but without physical exercise, the entire system is burdened. […]



Extrapolations of the Su Wen, Chapter 2 Conform with the Energy of the Seasons The same cycles that take place in nature occur within our own bodies. Advances and technology in our ways of living often mislead us into thinking that we have outgrown the rules and ways of mother nature, but it is through […]

Aging and the Elderly Patient


In aging, one must be so careful with everything lest it affect a host of health-related backlash. In treatment of our aging and elderly patients, emphasis of treatment pertains significantly to declining Kidney essence. However, the most serious diseases of aging are also caused by phlegm, blood stasis and internal wind. The pulse of the […]

Acupuncture and Endorphins


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Oriental medicine does not reduce patients to separate compartments of illness or function but rather sees an integrated, whole being that is a synthesis of mind, body, and spirit inseparably. Patients having acupuncture routinely sense, to varying degrees, a soothed yet elated experience even once the needles have been removed. We […]

Listening to the Pulse


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. The traditional art of pulse reading in the practice of Chinese medicine is an elusive form of conversation between patient and practitioner, and the method is a cornerstone of diagnosis and treatment. When a practitioner sets to feeling the pulses of a patient, what is conferred within the pulse is as […]

Earth Element and its Role in Acceptance


We can not receive nourishment without acceptance of our task at hand. Partaking with some sense of openness, we may transform our duty into something of personal, or even greater, value. This ability to transform is a central focus of the earth element in oriental medicine. Sometimes the foreign experience we must digest does not […]

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