Yun Zhi Mushroom


Yun Zhi 雲芝, known also as Cloud Mushroom, Coriolus, and Turkey Tail exhibits a marked immune enhancing scope of activity, including antiviral and antibacterial effects, and has been used for centuries in traditional oriental medicine. Modern clinical research in Japan and China focus on water extractions of Coriolus to stimulate and strengthen immune health, particularly in people with cancer.

The immune stimulating compounds found in Yun Zhi replenish vital kidney essence and Qi, and contain several protein bound polysaccharides that are recognized to possess anti-tumor factors. In Japan, sales generate several hundred million dollars per year, making Cloud Mushroom-Coriolus the world’s top-selling natural product used by cancer patients in Japan.

 *This is not intended to be medical advice, nor to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition.

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