Wu Wei 无为 Action Through Non-Action


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Do not burden yourself with depressing thoughts, do not get anxious about future events that may never happen, and do not dwell on things that are well in the past. All of these emotions dissipate the brightness of Shen (Heart Spirit). If we over-extend our Heart we will harm its Qi. […]

Food Therapy to Nourish Health


Roots of Chinese medicine are based in “Nourishing Life” or Yangsheng 養生 ✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold 千金翼方, compiled by Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty, is a comprehensive medical classic which summarized studies and records on medical treatment and had great influence on the development of oriental medicine […]

‘The Three Friends of Winter’ 松竹梅 ☯


Pine, Bamboo and Plum are highly regarded for their steadfastness, perseverance and resilience, and known as The Three Friends of Winter. Painting by Zhao Mengjian 趙孟堅 [1199-1264] Song Dynasty. • “Peach and plum of springtime, don’t flaunt your pretty blossoms; Consider rather the old pine and green bamboo at year’s end. What can change these […]

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