Historical Chinese Medicine Museum

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Kam Wah Chung & Company is a time capsule of early Chinese medicine history and culture in the US, established during the gold mining days of the Wild West. The building, which stands today, was built in 1860 and was purchased in 1877 by Chinese immigrants, husband and wife, Ing Hay and Lung On. The […]

The Basics on Chinese Herbs


Bulk Chinese herb preparations are one form of supplementation in Chinese herbal medicine. Others are freeze-dried concentrates, as well as various pill forms, and externally applied liniments, washes and plasters. More than three hundred Chinese herbs and medicinal substances are commonly used in herbal prescriptions that have a history of use dating back more than […]

Moxibustion Charts 灸法圖


Earliest illustrations of moxibustion treatment. By at least a century, moxibustion pre-dates the earliest bronze models from the Song dynasty used to understand locations of meridians and points in acupuncture. Therapeutic moxibustion, applying Artemisia cautery techniques, treats illnesses and strengthens the Qi of the body. It is a prevalent modality in Chinese medicine. Six fragments […]

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