Sun Simiao’s Code of Medical Ethics


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Sun Si Miao 孙思邈 [581—682 A.D.], a revered Chinese alchemist, scholar, monk, and clinician, has been venerated as the ‘Medicine God,’ Medicine Buddha, a deity invoked during healing practices, and commonly referred to in China as ‘King of Medicine.’ During the Ming Dynasty [1527 A.D.], eight stone tablets engraved with quotations […]

My Visit to Master Wang’s Clinic in Chengdu


While visiting Chengdu China in July of 2017, I observed and participated in treatments at Master Wang’s clinic. Master Wang’s work consists of his patients soaking in Chinese medicinal herbal baths in large bamboo tubs, followed by a uniquely vigorous type of manual therapy administered, simultaneously, by his two apprentices. As a practitioner of Chinese […]

Traumatic Injury, Blood Stasis, and Zheng Gu Shui Liniment


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Supple and elastic tissues tend to be more resilient to injury, however, force can wound any area of the body. Bones, joints, veins, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the associated organs of injured parts may fall into a condition of blood stasis, both acutely and chronically, as the body attempts to promote […]

Ted X on Taoist Cosmology


Acupuncturists routinely have to give an easily digestable rendition of Chinese medicine, which necessarily delves back interconnected step by step, succinctly, to describe the theory as a whole. If you were having tea with someone who adlibbed about Taoist reality as this man has, it would be a fascinating time spent listening to an engaging, […]

Good Luck – Bad Luck, Who Can Say?


A farmer had only one horse. One day, his horse ran away. All the neighbors came by saying, “I’m so sorry. This is such bad news. You must be so upset.” The man just said, “We will see.” A few days later, his horse came back with twenty wild horses. The man and his son […]

Tree Energy and Cultivating Qi


Taoists observe that trees are tremendously powerful plants. Not only do they absorb carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen, but they can also absorb negative forces and transform them into good Qi. Trees strongly root within Earth, and the more rooted the tree, the higher it can extend toward Heaven. Trees stand in stillness, […]

The Spirit of Heart-Shen


Shen is the ebullient spirit of the Heart. Shen embodies mind and thought and is reflected in our higher consciousness. Shen was first discussed in the Huangdi Neijing medical classic in the chapter called the Root of Spirit:   ‘Heaven abides so that we have virtue; Earth abides so that we have Qi; When virtue […]

Tang or Decoction of Chinese Herbs


A decocted Tang, literally “soup”, is by far the most common form of Chinese herbal medicine administration in China. Decoctions are solutions and suspensions that are readily absorbed, thus expediting their therapeutic effects. They are prime in this way in the treatment of acute disorders. Decoctions, being liquid in form, are easily ingested and digested […]

Qigong Self-Massage


by Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Cultivation by Chinese internal and Qigong exercises helps to improve and develop internal energy – true Qi. Self-massage is a simple yet important aspect of practice. Dao Yin and Qi Gong daily practice is beneficial, keeping the spirit and body supple and strong. Avoid taxing vital Qi with meaningless forms of […]

Winter Solstice Qi Node · Dōng Zhì 冬至


✍️Wᴇɴᴅʏ Bʀᴏᴡɴ 文婷中医 Winter Solstice · Dong Zhi · 冬至 · Qi Node begins on December 21st – 22nd This is the point in the year where the extreme of Yin energy is upon us, and hence, in the Universal balancing of Yin-Yang, Yang begins its return. In so, we enjoy the increasing presence of […]

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