In the world as seen through human eyes, all phenomena have multiple affinities, adding to the complexity and often the element of common error in human interpretations. Cosmological patterns recognized by the ancient Chinese, allow us a way to view the world, not least of which, diagnostics and treatments in medicine, with remarkable accuracy. […]
Late Summer, The Fifth Season
The golden season of late summer as regarded in Chinese 5 element cosmology, is the point in the progression of the seasons when nature itself is abundantly imbued in thickness, weight, and is in the culminating stage of growth and fruition that makes way for harvest. Late summer is considered to be the fifth season and […]
PLEASE TAKE THE 30 MINUTES TO LISTEN TO THIS WITHOUT DISTRACTION AND THEN SHARE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. Subtitles and Transcript 0:14 “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, and Mourners to and fro kept treading — treading — till [it seemed] that Sense was breaking through — And when they all were seated, a Service, […]