The Arts of Internal Cultivation


✍️Wᴇɴᴅʏ Bʀᴏᴡɴ, Lic. Ac. MIRCOCOSMIC ORBIT   SIX HEALING SOUNDS To understand the Tao, people of antiquity lived lives in accordance with the interplay of yin and yang. Eating and acting moderately, they refrained from dissipating strength through unseemly behavior, and thus, conserved Jing essence and lived out their years. This same timeless path unfolds […]

Presence of Balance or Imbalance


Heaven follows the momentum of the Tao; Earth follows the laws of Heaven; Human beings follow the laws of Earth.  In this ordering of Universal energy, we are co-creators. With our life-force we create momentum and thus destiny. We bring the presence of balance or imbalance to self and surroundings. 

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