Chinese Congee Cooking Tutorial


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Congee, also known as Jook, is a long-cooked rice porridge that conveys notable nutritive effects to the Spleen and Stomach Qi which are the roots of postnatal Qi, acquired from what is digested, and known in Chinese medicine as Gu Qi. Congee is a simple food that preserves the prosperity of […]

‘The Three Friends of Winter’ 松竹梅 ☯


Pine, Bamboo and Plum are highly regarded for their steadfastness, perseverance and resilience, and known as The Three Friends of Winter. Painting by Zhao Mengjian 趙孟堅 [1199-1264] Song Dynasty. • “Peach and plum of springtime, don’t flaunt your pretty blossoms; Consider rather the old pine and green bamboo at year’s end. What can change these […]

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