Autumn Equinox Qi Node


When the Qi node Autumn Equinox arrives, Qiū Fēn, there is Yin and Yang equality, day and night are equal, but Yin is about to take charge. Autumn Equinox is one of four pivots that rectify the annual Qi. During this period the environment grows ever-more Yin and is characterized by cool, dry wind. Metal […]

Winter Solstice Qi Node · Dōng Zhì 冬至


✍️Wᴇɴᴅʏ Bʀᴏᴡɴ 文婷中医 Winter Solstice · Dong Zhi · 冬至 · Qi Node begins on December 21st – 22nd This is the point in the year where the extreme of Yin energy is upon us, and hence, in the Universal balancing of Yin-Yang, Yang begins its return. In so, we enjoy the increasing presence of […]

Late Summer, The Fifth Season


The golden season of late summer as regarded in Chinese 5 element cosmology, is the point in the progression of the seasons when nature itself is abundantly imbued in thickness, weight, and is in the culminating stage of growth and fruition that makes way for harvest. Late summer is considered to be the fifth season and […]

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