Wu Wei 无为 Action Through Non-Action


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Do not burden yourself with depressing thoughts, do not get anxious about future events that may never happen, and do not dwell on things that are well in the past. All of these emotions dissipate the brightness of Shen (Heart Spirit). If we over-extend our Heart we will harm its Qi. […]

Moderate Daily Exercise


Rest and exercise should compliment one another. Rest with little physical exertion tends to be harmful to the body; long-term sitting being harmful to the muscles, and lying down for extended periods harms the Qi. It can be concluded that even with good diet and rest, but without physical exercise, the entire system is burdened. […]

TCM Perspective & Treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency


Traditional Chinese medicine regards adrenal fatigue as insufficiency of the Kidneys. Adrenaline, the action hormone, increases the body’s yang [as evidenced by perspiration and increased heart rate]. Warm in nature, the yang nature of adrenaline is likely to consume yin. However, kidney yang deficiency, exhibited by more cold than heat, more fatigue than feeling wired, […]

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