How to make your own nut milks — A healthy alternative


Why We Need A Substitute Undoubtedly, you have heard the true story behind milk products; of enslaving animals, keeping mothers continually lactating by inseminating them to perpetuate lactation, and then stealing the babies away who would then suckle the milk made by their mothers for them. This statement is not an exaggeration and no part […]

Food Wisdom for a Prosperous Life


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Dietary Basics According to Traditional Chinese Medicine Turning to traditional Chinese medicine and a Taoist concept of health and long life, one is moderate in every action and attentive to signals of the body and of nature. Eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty, we only ingest enough food and drink […]



Nurturing core elemental tendencies while simultaneously balancing states of excess through a combination of diet, Chinese herbs and acupuncture and other mind-body techniques, we maintain innate elemental tendencies; transforming what may be hindrances into assets. FIRE TYPES ☯ Are jovial pleasure-seekers. They like to relax, socialize and have fun. They often seek thrills and excitement, […]

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