The Six Stages of Diagnosis


Understand the nature and relationships of the six stages or levels of disease. Tai Yang, Yang Ming, Shao Yang, Tai Yin, Shao Yin, Jue Yin – Essential to the method of diagnosis developed in the Shang Han Lun. Dr. Phil Garrison, DAOM, interviews Dr. Yaron Seidman, DAOM    

Nature Makes Whole


 Truth is evident but often ignored or yet unrealized. This moment is the path. We suffer the blocks of our own emotions and grievances. To bring about homeostasis and harmony sometimes we must shift in our perceptions and awareness to change the experience. As microcosms of the great universal whole, the forces and flow of […]

Living in the Tao


Reverently entering nature and observing the flow of streams, rivers, and waterfalls is, in itself, one of the natural remedies for a troubled mind. Water benefits the ten thousand things and yet does not compete with them. Water dwells in places the masses of people detest. People detest such places not because they are bad, […]

Aging and the Elderly Patient


In aging, one must be so careful with everything lest it affect a host of health-related backlash. In treatment of our aging and elderly patients, emphasis of treatment pertains significantly to declining Kidney essence. However, the most serious diseases of aging are also caused by phlegm, blood stasis and internal wind. The pulse of the […]

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