

It is a common motivation of most living creatures to want to be comfortable. The Chinese character for “comfort”, 舒, depicts the character 舍(Shě) on the left side of the pictograph, which means “to give up, or abandon.” On the right side is the character 予(Yǔ), meaning, “to be bestowed.” The word “comfort” in literal […]

Presence of Balancing Imbalance


Heaven follows the momentum of the Tao; Earth follows the laws of Heaven; Human beings follow the laws of Earth.  In this ordering of Universal energy, we are both followers of and co-creators in the flow. With our life-force we create momentum and thus destiny. Through our Jing, Qi, and Shen we bring the presence […]

Perspective on Acupuncture Needle Size


               ✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac.Unsurprisingly, some people initially express some concern about needles that are used in acupuncture treatment. On occasion, the concern may verge on a phobia of needles in general, which would likely deter the person from seeking acupuncture treatment that they may derive great benefit from, […]

Living in the Tao


Reverently entering nature and observing the flow of streams, rivers, and waterfalls is, in itself, one of the natural remedies for a troubled mind. Water benefits the ten thousand things and yet does not compete with them. Water dwells in places the masses of people detest. People detest such places not because they are bad, […]

Instructions to the Yellow Emperor


Xi Wangmu’s Instructions to The Yellow Emperor Drinking and gobbling up food, your body will never be light. Fretting and worrying, your Spirit will never be pure. Craving sounds and sights, your Heart will never be calm. Without calmness of Heart, your Spirit will never be numinous. Not numinous of Spirit, the Tao cannot work […]

A Profound Perspective of Appreciation


“Since my barn burned down I have a better view of the moon.” Mizuta Masahide 水田 正秀 1657–1723, Japanese poet, samurai, and student of Matsuo Bashō 松尾 芭蕉 1644–1697 Tradition of the Japanese has been to live in awareness of the unpredictability of nature and the transitory essence of life. Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and fires can […]

Fall Foods to Cultivate Health


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. With chill in the air it is of particular importance to recognize our need for nourishing foods. Along with the cold, autumn brings the seasonal influence of dryness. Fall is a time of contraction; when our bodies and the natural surroundings tighten and contract to maintain warmth. Rather than salads, raw […]

Jeffrey Yuen on Self-Cultivation


Interview for NESA Currents Newsletter An Interview with Michael P. Arsenault Posted in exact excerpt from original text   Mike Arsenault: Historically in Chinese Medicine, what part did self-cultivation of the practitioner play in this form of medicine?     Jeffrey Yuen: Well, historically cultivation is the basis, or one of the reasons why one […]

Acupuncture & Moxibustion


THE INTEGRAL WHOLE IN THE RELATIONSHIP OF MAN WITH HEAVEN & EARTH, AND ACUPUNCTURE AS A TREATMENT FOR ALL DISEASE. The human individual is an integrated aspect of the universe, with life’s happenings reflecting the interplay of Yin and Yang. These dynamics, displaying the shifting, greater movement of energy, are the root of prevention and […]

The Humility of Mr. Bai Fang Li


Using the money he earned from peddling rickshaw, Mr. Bái Fāng lǐ contributed what is estimated to be 350,000 yuan ($57,000. usd) to financing more than 300 students’ school tuition and living expenses, helping them to advance by way of their studies. Mr. Bai’s daughter recalls, “He suffered and curtailed his own needs throughout his life, […]

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