Aging and the Elderly Patient


In aging, one must be so careful with everything lest it affect a host of health-related backlash. In treatment of our aging and elderly patients, emphasis of treatment pertains significantly to declining Kidney essence. However, the most serious diseases of aging are also caused by phlegm, blood stasis and internal wind. The pulse of the […]



A woman, post-menopause, has great potential to realize within herself the wise woman and the mother of her greater community. With her inherent embodiment of female wisdom, post-menopausally she may cultivate the spiritual power of the Sage. From the progression of blood sent from the Heart down to the Bao Mai [uterus] in preparation for […]



Turning to traditional Chinese medicine and a Taoist concept of health and long life, one is taught to be moderate in every action and attentive to the signals of the body, and to the prevailing influences of nature. Eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty, we should ingest only enough food and drink to satisfy […]

Poetry of Protracted Illness


Visit from a Friend  Po Chu’i [772-846 CE] I have been ill so long that I do not count the days; at the Southern window, evening – and again evening. Sadly chirping in the grasses under my eaves, the winter sparrows morning and evening sing. By an effort I rise and lean heavily on my bed; tottering I step toward […]

‘The Three Friends of Winter’ 松竹梅 ☯


Pine, Bamboo and Plum are highly regarded for their steadfastness, perseverance and resilience, and known as The Three Friends of Winter. Painting by Zhao Mengjian 趙孟堅 [1199-1264] Song Dynasty. • “Peach and plum of springtime, don’t flaunt your pretty blossoms; Consider rather the old pine and green bamboo at year’s end. What can change these […]



  飯勿吃太飽,覺要睡得好,運動每天做,營養不可少, 盡量找快樂,切莫尋煩惱,赤子心常在,百年也不老, 不作虧心事,人格比天高,為人不貪墨,子孫也逍遙。   Sleep well, Exercise daily, Do not over-eat, but never be in want of adequate nutrition.   Always try to be happy; keep yourself free from worries and troubles, and always retain a good conscience.   Then, you may live in good health and youthfulness even when you have reached the […]

Sheng Mai


When there is difficulty contacting pulses, or sheng mai, tonifying treatment of these 5 acupoints engenders the QI of the pulse, summoning them: ST25, CV12, CV17, LU1, BL12

Luo Vessels


Points along Luo channels were the earliest treated points in acupuncture. Collaterals of the primary meridians, they are visible reservoirs for pathology. When the Wei level of the body has become incapable of releasing a pathogenic factor, the body holds it.   Luo vessels will then contain the pathological factor in a minor blood vessel […]

Orderly Progression and Concordant Treatment


The laws of applying all needling therapy require that one observe the influences of sun, moon, and stars, as well as the characteristics of the four seasons and eight seasonal returning points. If, in this manner, one has determined the condition of the influences, the needle treatment may be carried out. When the Heavens are […]

Rules and Judgement • Su Wen Ch.70


Judgment [lun cai] and mind [zhi yi] must be based upon laws and rules. If one follows the classics, observing the calculations and accordingly practicing [medicine] with due reverence to these rules, this will be of benefit and set an example for all humankind. If the way is carefully observed, a myriad of diseases can […]

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