How to make your own nut milks — A healthy alternative


Why We Need A Substitute Undoubtedly, you have heard the true story behind milk products; of enslaving animals, keeping mothers continually lactating by inseminating them to perpetuate lactation, and then stealing the babies away who would then suckle the milk made by their mothers for them. This statement is not an exaggeration and no part […]

Year of The Earth Dog


HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR 2018! The 11th of the twelve terrestrial branches is dog. The dog is a creature who keeps watch and is skillful in its selection of people; it will keep anyone away who is not what s/he should be. A dog will not forsake its master due to poverty or status. In […]

Kwan Yin


There is a Chinese phrase: A heart that is burdened by hurt or that houses anger is like a poison dragon. Metaphors are intrinsic of Kwan Yin. Riding upon a dragon, the dragon, symbolic of potent energy which can be put to great use, as dragon is an envoy of heaven; Kwan Yin, bodhisattva of […]

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