The Spirit of Heart-Shen


Shen is the ebullient spirit of the Heart. Shen embodies mind and thought and is reflected in our higher consciousness. Shen was first discussed in the Huangdi Neijing medical classic in the chapter called the Root of Spirit:   ‘Heaven abides so that we have virtue; Earth abides so that we have Qi; When virtue […]

Tang or Decoction of Chinese Herbs


A decocted Tang, literally “soup”, is by far the most common form of Chinese herbal medicine administration in China. Decoctions are solutions and suspensions that are readily absorbed, thus expediting their therapeutic effects. They are prime in this way in the treatment of acute disorders. Decoctions, being liquid in form, are easily ingested and digested […]

Qigong Self-Massage


Cultivation by Chinese internal and Qigong exercises helps to improve and develop internal energy – true Qi. Self-massage is a simple yet important aspect of practice. Qigong self-massage is an excellent health practice that stimulates acupoints to bring quiet to the mind and awaken and refresh the body with renewed vital energy.

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