Heart Relationship to Sense Organs


The five sensory orifices, referring to the nose, ears, eyes, lips, and tongue, are each paired with specific visceral organs. In particular, the Heart, regarded as ‘the emperor or sovereign ruler’, gives residence to Shen – a level of ‘Spirit’ which activates all mental activities, as well as perceives the emotional stimulus of all of […]

Attention Deficit Disorder


It appears that Attention Deficit Disorder, referred to as A.D.D., arises from a neurological defect, with abnormalities in brain tissue and/or biochemical functions. Nutritional deficiencies, exposure to harmful chemicals in-utero such as from smoking, alcohol, prescription and/or illicit drugs, and by further exposure to environmental pollutants – all of which have become wide-spread problems during […]



Flavonoids, an aspect of the compound category of polyphenols, are present in practically all fruit and vegetable plants, and also in many herbs of the Chinese medicinal pharmacopeia. Flavonoids are starches that are soothing to the gastro-intestinal system, are anti-allergy, and elicit anti-viral activity. Flavonoids display their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects through compatible herbal interactions […]

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