✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Spoken of medicinally in The Canon of Materia Medica 神農本草經 by the physician of mythical stature, Shen Nong who is said to have lived in about 2,800 B.C., proclaimed that Ju Hua improved senses of vision and hearing, alertness, clarity of thinking, promoted an energetic body, and increased longevity by slowing […]
Perspective on Marijuana in Chinese Medicine
I was fortunate to have had a conversation with Dr. Hammer in 1990 in the hallway of N.E.S.A. in my graduating year of school. Welcoming me to the profession, Dr. Hammer also congratulated me on choosing such a wonderful pursuit as the healing path of Oriental Medicine. Dr. Hammer is a trove of wisdom and […]
Horary Cycles and Bi-Hourly Clock
According to root and branch energetic rhythms in traditional Chinese medicine, Qi flow circulates through the 12 main meridians beginning with the lungs, as respiration is the first independent bodily function of the human vessel, then systematically flows through each organ. The organ systems have their points of highest energy and lowest energy throughout a 24 […]