The Basics on Chinese Herbs


Bulk Chinese herb preparations are one form of supplementation in Chinese herbal medicine. Others are freeze-dried concentrates, as well as various pill forms, and externally applied liniments, washes and plasters. More than three hundred Chinese herbs and medicinal substances are commonly used in herbal prescriptions that have a history of use dating back more than […]

Living in Simplicity


Zangetsu 残月, a Chinese master during the Tang dynasty, wrote the following advice to his students: • Live in the world, yet not by forming attachments to the dust of the world. • Poverty is your treasure. Modesty is the foundation of all virtues. Never exchange it for an easy life. • Let your neighbors […]

Chinese Congee Cooking Tutorial


✍️Wendy Brown, Lic. Ac. Congee, also known as Jook, is a long-cooked rice porridge that conveys notable nutritive effects to the Spleen and Stomach Qi which are the roots of postnatal Qi, acquired from what is digested, and known in Chinese medicine as Gu Qi. Congee is a simple food that preserves the prosperity of […]

Bach Flower Essences


At their inception in the 1930’s, flower essences were conceived of by Dr. Edward Bach, MD., a visionary allopathic physician who comprehended the connection between feelings and actual physical illness, and sensed the bridge made possible to treat them by the original 39 essences he worked with. Flower essences are dilutions of flower or tree […]

Chinese Herbs, Individualized Medicine


Every instance of illness has a unique configuration and requires unique (not fixed) treatment. To relieve the suffering of the times, there is no greater path than Chinese medicine. Within it, nothing is more effective than prescriptions of herbs and materials for each individual’s condition.    

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