Spoken of medicinally by the physician of mythical stature, Shen Nong [said to have lived in about 2,800 B.C.]. In The Canon of Materia Medica 神農本草經 it was first proclaimed that Ju Hua improved senses of vision and hearing, alertness, clarity of thinking, promoted an energetic body, and increased longevity by slowing aging. It is […]
Cupping Treatment
Skin becomes reddened due to the congestion of blood flow where superficial muscular layers have been drawn up and held within a bulbusly-shaped cup [the cup most effectively used is made of glass]. Suction is induced by fire or by modern means of a pump device. Cupping is applied where physical pain is deeper than […]
Acupuncture Meridians and Points 腧穴
Acupuncture Points are sites on the body where acupuncture needles are placed, tuning in to the viscera as well as energetic governances. Acupuncturists, as well as Marial Arts Practitioners as well as Tuina, Shiatsu, and other light-body-workers guide QI by using the layout off points of energy along these meridians. The ‘Cun’ is one aspect […]
TCM Perspective & Treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency
Traditional Chinese medicine regards adrenal fatigue as insufficiency of the Kidneys. Adrenaline, the action hormone, increases the body’s yang [as evidenced by perspiration and increased heart rate]. Warm in nature, the yang nature of adrenaline is likely to consume yin. However, kidney yang deficiency, exhibited by more cold than heat, more fatigue than feeling wired, […]